We are the leading IASTM tools manufacture in INDIA, since 2015 onwards. PARC IASTM tools Satisfied customers not only in INDIA, but all over the world. This tools is designed by an well experienced Physiotherapist Dr. S. Girish Kumar, from the application of this tools in his practice. Our tools are uniquely designed instrument to break down the scar tissue and fascial restriction. PARC IASTM tools are non-aggressive and does not cause excessive tissue damage and bruising. It compliments your hands by adding another layer of soft tissue assessment and treatment.
Instrument Assisted soft Tissue Mobilization or simply IASTM is a new range of tool which enable clinicians to efficiently locate and treat individuals diagnosed with soft tissue dysfunction. IASTM is a procedure that is rapidly growing in popularity due to its effectiveness and efficiency while remaining non-invasive with its own indications and limitations.
Instrument effectively breakdown the fascial restriction and scar tissue. The ergonomic design of the instrument provides the clinician with its ability to locate restrictions and allows the clinician to treat the affected area with the appropriate amount of pressure.
The introduction of controlled micro-trauma to affected soft-tissue structure causes the stimulation of a local inflammatory response. Micro trauma initiates reabsorption of inappropriate fibrosis or excessive scar tissue and fecilitates a cascade of healing activities resulting in remodeling of affected soft-tissue structure. Adhesions within the soft tissue which may have developed as a result of surgery, immobilization, repeated strains or other mechanisms, are broken down allowing full functional restoration to occur.
- Steve Job’s